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WIOA WorkSmart Info Session

Whether you’re starting your career or changing careers and need help moving forward, start with the WorkSmart Network!  A WorkSmart Representative will be at this location to help with your employment and training needs. You can pre-register to let a representative know you will be coming, or drop in at any time during the event schedule to get assistance. They will introduce you to a range of employment and training resources to guide you toward a rewarding career within the region’s in-demand industries.  Some of the ways we may be able to assist you include: Job Center of Wisconsin(JCW), job searching basics, creating a resume, cover letters, employer research and interviewing, job search for the older worker, and community referrals. Come in and explore training options that meet your short- and long-term training goals. Discover what resources are available to you with the WorkSmart Network under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Later Event: February 8
Time Management