Is your company facing difficulties in finding and retaining local talent? Would your organization like to to raise awareness of opportunities in your industry, cultivate your next-generation workforce, and support students as they become adults?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should attend the 2018 Youth Employment Summit on March 15, co-hosted by the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin and the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce.
At the Summit, you will have a chance to:
Network with Madison-area professionals across industries
Learn about why employing and mentoring in-school and out-of-school youth is a great way to help your company build a talent pipeline and support your community.
Learn from a panel of workforce and education experts about the technical and legal aspects of employing minors
Hear about how other employers have changed their culture to include minors and mentorship as part of professional development for their employees
REGISTER NOW - limited capacity
What: Many WI employers have difficulty finding and retaining
employees. Come learn why Youth Employment is a powerful strategy for building
your next generation workforce and how you can do it in your organization.
Who: All industries in Madison Region
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018
Time: 8am - 1pm
Location: Madison College Truax Campus Health Building, Room 309
Cost: $25 (continental breakfast and lunch provided)