Job Search

Job Center of Wisconsin is an online place for jobseekers to access job opportunities that employers have listed with Job Centers throughout the State of Wisconsin. Job Center of Wisconsin access is available at the Job Center during business hours or anywhere that has internet access.

Other commonly used job search websites:                



See Job Center of Wisconsin - Where Talent & Opportunity Meet“ Workforce Events” to learn about upcoming workshops, including virtual workshops.


Resume Reviews

Have an Employment & Training Specialist review your resume.  Learn to present yourself in the best light, working with a professional to highlight your skills while paying attention to fonts, layout and effective use of space. You must live in the following counties: Dane, Dodge, Columbia, Marquette, Jefferson or Sauk in order for our district staff to review your resume. Second, you must be registered on our website: before we can review your resume. Third, there is a form that we are required to email you to complete and return to us. The first step is to Email your resume to Please make sure you email your resume in a format that we can edit. The best option is MS Word. Do not submit your resume in a google doc. Please allow two working days to get a reply with next steps.


Mock Interviews

Meet with an Employment & Training Specialist to train or practice for employer interviews. Gain the experience and confidence to present yourself well in person and get insight into questions that might be asked. Following the interview, you will receive feedback directed at what you’re doing well and what might need improvement. You are required to be registered on Job Center of Wisconsin and have a current resume and a job title for the interview. Log into your Job Center of Wisconsin account and under the job seeker tab select virtual meeting and follow the prompts to set this up.


Job Fairs/Hiring Events

A job fair/hiring events are events where employers, recruiters and schools give information to potential employees. Job seekers attend these while trying to make a good impression to potential coworkers by speaking face-to-face with one another.

Find upcoming job fairs/hiring events by going to Job Center of Wisconsin -Workforce Events.


Career Counseling

Recently downsized, unhappily working or someplace in between??

The Worksmart Network has Career Planners who may be able to help.

To make an appointment please call 608-288-2459.


Re-entry (ex-offenders)

Finding work can be a challenge, more so if you have a criminal record. Learn how to market your talents effectively to find the right job and develop constructive job search techniques. All centers have staff that can assist you in your job search.

At the Dane County Job Center there are re-entry job clubs and support.

Connect with a Re-Entry Specialist

re-entry resources

Ex-Offender Tool Kit/ Re-Entry MythBusters


Migrant and seasonal farm workers (MSFW)

The Bureau of Job Service (BJS) staff provide the same range of services to Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (MSFWs) as are provided to non-MSFW job seekers. The US Department of Labor Federal Regulations (20 C.F.R. 651-658) require that States ensure that the services provided to Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (MSFWs) are qualitatively equivalent and quantitatively proportionate to the services provided to non-MSFWs. States are required to deliver all workforce development related services, benefits and protections, career guidance/counseling, testing, job development, job training and job referral services to MSFWs on an equitable and non-discriminatory basis. Connect with the South Central Job Center MSFW Outreach Specialist.


worksmart Network

The WorkSmart Network is a team supported by the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin that specializes in delivering innovative workforce services and solutions to prepare workers for the needs of business and industry. With this charge, we specialize in delivering demand-driven employment and training services and support to job seekers, businesses and young adults in communities across South Central Wisconsin.


Jobs in High Demand


WisConomy provides information on high demand occupations (jobs), current wage trends, local job outlooks, occupational skills and other occupational statistics throughout Wisconsin.


O-NET has everything you ever wanted to know about a specific job title (occupation), including: Primary source of occupational information to assist in your resume writing Detailed occupational skills and use as a cross walk from military to civilian jobs.

Skill Explorer

Match your skills with new career (job) opportunities at Skill Explorer. Locate current job openings in your area based on your current job title and match it with other job titles you may have the skillset for.


Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The WIOA program is a federally funded program that helps individuals with a variety of employment related service related to helping people return to employment, or simply find employment. Some of the services include reemployment assistance, job search, resume writing, career assessments, career consultation, and federal short term and long term training funds when available. Learn More

WIOA brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of Federal investment in skill development:

Employment and training services for eligible adults, dislocated workers, and youth administered by the Department of Labor (DOL) through formula grants to states; and Adult education and literacy programs and Vocational Rehabilitation programs that assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment administered by the Department of Education (DoED) and state grants.



This is a training that combines structured on-the-job training with related classroom instruction. Typically this type of training is sponsored by employers, employer associations, or labor/management groups that have the ability to hire and train in a working environment. More information can be found at the following link or by contacting your local job center.  Adult Apprenticeships

High school students interested in pursuing an apprenticeship can find more information at the following link: Youth Apprenticeships


Library of Resources

Job Center Publications